Worried about Your Small Business Success Rate? Invest in Online Marketing

April 29 th to May 5 th , 2018 is National Small Business Week. Every year, a week is dedicated to over 50% of Americans who own or work for a small business. As the very backbone to our country, small businesses account for more than 99.7% of U.S. businesses according to SBA Gov. While 52% of those are home-based, they contribute to more than 55% of all new jobs. That’s roughly 56.8 million employees. As part of the infrastructure for a thriving economy, our country relies on the small business success rate. Will My Business Survive? If you are among those who own a business, it is more than just a company to you. It is your livelihood. It is your dream that you have turned into a tangible vision. Your success is critical, not just to you, but to your loved ones as well. If it fails, there are homes, college funds, and retirement plans on the line. Despite 75% of small business owners feeling confident in their achievement, only 50% will survive for 5 years or more....