Optimize for Bing in 4 Simple Steps

When you think about optimization, most people think about optimizing for Google, but what about Bing? Google is the king of search engines and is on every one's goal to rank well, but why not Bing? Different reports conclude around 20 percent of web searches are conducted on Bing. Yes, that's much less than the searches on Google, but that's still 20 percent of possible views and customers you may not be reaching. To optimize for both Google and Bing, it really doesn't take too much extra time. Bing undergoes less algorithm changes than Google and generally has less strict guidelines; however, many of the tactics you use to optimize for Google are effective for Bing as well. Here are some easy steps to optimize for Bing: 1. Quality Content and Websites As with Google, Bing loves quality websites and content. If you're already optimized for Google with well written and informative content, you have one foot in the door for Bing. If your website functions we...