Breaking the Myths: Press Releases for Your SEO Strategy

In recent years, press releases were a critical component to marketing strategies, which were mainly published in newspapers. In today's digital world, press releases are now widely used online with 80 million people getting their news online every day. The large amount of internet users offers a huge marketing potential, yet many have come to view press releases as ineffective in today's world. Many just don't see how press releases benefit SEO strategies, so they are often underutilized. Believe it or not, press releases produce many benefits to SEO strategies-- both indirect and direct. Press releases improve your search engine ranking, while attracting the attention of customers who are ready to buy as you establish yourself as an industry expert through brand awareness. Press releases are evolving and becoming a common place in an SEO strategy despite the controversy surrounding whether or not they actually aid SEO. I'm here to tell you, yes, press releases ...