Google Kills Google+ Helpouts

Google Helpouts
Say Good-Bye to Google Helpouts
Google recently announced that the search engine giant will be discontinuing Google+ Helpouts, which is a less popular version of Google+ Hangouts. Google launched the feature in 2013 as a way to allow people to connect with one another for advice, information, and help regarding SEO and the search engine in general. But, you can say good-bye to the feature as of April 20, 2015.

The decision comes as Google+ Hangouts just didn't fulfill it's desired potential. It never seemed to pick up enough steam, which lead to Google ceasing the feature. Although many found the service to be very helpful, it's agreed that it just didn't reach expectations. The discontinuation date is set for April 20, to give user the opportunity to upload the Helpouts data to Google Takeout.

What are your thoughts on discontinuing Google+ Helpouts? Should another option take its place?
